In addition to proper recognition of Athletic Trainers, the law works to help educate patients and coaches about concussions. Only in Indiana, Athletic Trainers in the secondary school setting are mandated to educate and train coaches about concussions. In conjunction, the Community Health Network has teamed up with Athletes Saving Athletes (ASA) to help athletes recognize the signs and symptoms of sports related injury and chronic medical conditions. High school athletes are nominated by their coaches and teachers and must possess leadership qualities. This course will teach the athletes how to recognize symptoms of sudden cardiac arrest, concussions, head and neck injuries, heat illness, diabetes and asthma. They are also taught how to perform hands only CPR and how to administer the use of an AED. If these student-athletes recognize any of the signs and symptoms that they have learned, they must report this information to the Athletic Trainer or the Physician associated with the team. Once the athlete has been removed from practice, the coach must receive verbal permission from the Athletic Trainer or the Physician before they can return to play. Within 24 hours of this verbal permission, a written permission must be provided to the coach before the athlete can return to sport participation.
Emilie Miley LAT, ATC & Robert Vallandingham LAT, ATC