In the United States we are actively seeking combat obesity, diabetic and other illnesses through exercise. With this push to use exercise as medicine, the Alliance for Youth Sports Safety was established. The Alliance started with 30 leading health care and sports organizations forming a Call-to-Action for the purpose of preventing and reducing catastrophic injuries in youth sports. Some of the Alliance members include the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, American Academy of Pediatricians, National Athletic Trainers’ Association, National Center for Sports Safety, and National Center for Catastrophic Sports Injury. Some of the commitments of the Call to Action are: to educate players, administrator, coaches, and parents in ensuring safety, development of Emergency Action plans, ensuring policy for pre-participation examination and access to health care professionals. For more info on the Call to Action, click here.
Currently, the Alliance for Youth Sports Safety is growing to over 100 members and had just met for their 5th annual Summit in Washington, D.C. The Youth Sports Safety Summit is critical to drawing the public’s attention to ALL sports injuries, both minor and life-threatening. The goal of the Summit is to educate policymakers and the public about things like sudden cardiac arrest, exertional heat illness, sickle cell, cervical spine and organ injuries, as well as concussion. The Alliance for Youth Sports Safety and its growing members are pushing for federal statutes for Student Athletes Bill of Rights. The Youth Sport Safety Alliance plays a crucial role in preventing catastrophic deaths in youth sports and I challenge you to keep in tabs and be involved with Youth Sports Safety Alliance.
One death is one too many.
Denny Wongosari, LAT, ATC